The Rate Adapting Poisson Model for Information Retrieval and Object Recognition

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Text Reference
P. V. Gehler, A. D. Holub, and Max Welling. The rate adapting poisson model for information retrieval and object recognition. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2006), 337–344. New York, NY, USA, 06 2006. ACM Press. URL: http://homepage.kyb.local/bs/people/pgehler/rap/index.html.BibTeX Reference
@inproceedings{GehlerHW_ICML_2006,author = "Gehler, P. V. and Holub, A. D. and Welling, Max",
TAG = "object_recognition",
title = "The Rate Adapting Poisson Model for Information Retrieval and Object Recognition",
year = "2006",
publisher = "ACM Press",
pages = "337-344",
month = "06",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2006)",
address = "New York, NY, USA",
location = "23rd International Conference on Machine Learning",
URL = "http://homepage.kyb.local/bs/people/pgehler/rap/index.html"