Spectral Partitioning with Indefinite Kernels Using the Nyström Extension

Fowlkes et al. recently introduced an
approximation to the Normalized Cut (NCut) grouping algorithm
based on random subsampling and the Nyström
extension. As presented, their method is restricted to the case
where W, the weighted adjacency matrix, is positive definite.
Although many common measures of image similarity (i.e. kernels) are
positive definite, a popular example being Gaussian-weighted distance,
there are important cases that are not. In this work, we present a
modification to Nyström-NCut that does not require W to be
positive definite. The modification only affects the orthogonalization
step, and in doing so it necessitates one additional O(m^3) operation,
where m is the number of random samples used in the approximation. As
such it is of interest to know which kernels are positive definite and
which are indefinite. In addressing this issue, we further develop
connections between NCut and related methods in the kernel machines
literature. We provide a proof that the Gaussian-weighted chi-squared
kernel is positive definite, which has thus far only been conjectured.
We also explore the performance of the approximation algorithm on a
variety of grouping cues including contour, color and texture.
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Text Reference
Serge Belongie, Charless Fowlkes, Fan Chung, and Jitendra Malik.
Spectral partitioning with indefinite kernels using the nyström extension.
ECCV, III: 531 ff. 2002.
BibTeX Reference
AUTHOR = "Belongie, Serge and Fowlkes, Charless and Chung, Fan and Malik, Jitendra",
TITLE = {Spectral Partitioning with Indefinite Kernels Using the Nystr{\"o}m Extension},
YEAR = "2002",
PAGES = "III: 531 ff.",
TAG = "grouping"