A Quantitative Spatiotemporal Atlas of Gene Expression in the Drosohpila Blastoderm

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Charless Fowlkes, Cris Luengo Hendriks, Soile Keränen, Gunther Weber, Oliver Rübel, Min-Yu, Huang, Sohail Chatoor, Lisa Simirenko, Angela DePace, Clara, Henriquez, Amy Beaton, Richard Weiszmann, Susan Celniker, Bernd Hamann, David Knowles, Mark Biggin, Michael Eisen, and Jitendra Malik. A quantitative spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression in the drosohpila blastoderm. Cell, 133:364–374, 2008.BibTeX Reference
@article{Fowlkes_CELL_2008,AUTHOR = {Fowlkes, Charless and Luengo Hendriks, Cris and Ker{\"a}nen, Soile and Weber, Gunther and R{\"u}bel, Oliver and Huang, Min-Yu, and Chatoor, Sohail and Simirenko, Lisa and DePace, Angela and Henriquez, Clara, and Beaton, Amy and Weiszmann, Richard and Celniker, Susan and Hamann, Bernd and Knowles, David and Biggin, Mark and Eisen, Michael and Malik, Jitendra},
TITLE = "A Quantitative Spatiotemporal Atlas of Gene Expression in the Drosohpila Blastoderm",
JOURNAL = "Cell",
YEAR = "2008",
VOLUME = "133",
PAGES = "364-374",
TAG = "biological_images"