Quantitative Analysis of Axonal Transport by Using Compartmentalized and Surface Micropatterned Culture of Neurons

Mitochondria, synaptic vesicles, and other cytoplasmic
constituents have to travel long distance along the axons
from cell bodies to nerve terminals. Interruption of this axonal
transport may contribute to many neurodegenerative diseases
including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It has been recently shown
that exposure of cultured neurons to β-amyloid (Aβ) resulted in
severe impairment of mitochondrial transport. This Letter
describes an integrated microfluidic platform that establishes
surface patterned and compartmentalized culture of neurons for
studying the effect of Aβ on mitochondria trafficking in full
length of axons. We have successfully quantified the trafficking
of fluorescently labeled mitochondria in distal and proximal
axons using image processing. Selective treatment of Aβ in the
somal or axonal compartments resulted in considerable decrease
in mitochondria movement in a location dependent manner such that
mitochondria trafficking slowed down more significantly proximal
to the location of Aβ exposure. Furthermore, this result
suggests a promising application of microfluidic technology for
investigating the dysfunction of axonal transport related to
neurodegenerative diseases.
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Text Reference
Hyung Joon Kim, Jeong Won Park, Jae Hwan Byun, Wayne W Poon, Carl W Cotman, Charless C Fowlkes, and Noo Li Jeon.
Quantitative analysis of axonal transport by using compartmentalized and surface micropatterned culture of neurons.
ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 3(6):433–438, 2012.
BibTeX Reference
author = "Kim, Hyung Joon and Park, Jeong Won and Byun, Jae Hwan and Poon, Wayne W and Cotman, Carl W and Fowlkes, Charless C and Jeon, Noo Li",
title = "Quantitative Analysis of Axonal Transport by Using Compartmentalized and Surface Micropatterned Culture of Neurons",
journal = "ACS Chemical Neuroscience",
volume = "3",
number = "6",
pages = "433--438",
year = "2012",
publisher = "ACS Publications"